
This module implements the superclass for all profiles and contains globals and the @commands-Decorator.

class profile.Profile(options=None, directory=None, parent=None)

Bases: object

This class provides the "API" aka commands for creating links and stores the state of the set options and directory.


A backup of the overwritten builtins


Identifier/Class name of the profile


True, if a result was already generated


Stores options that will be set with opt() as well as the tags. Equals constants.DEFAULTS if this a root profile.


The directory that the profile is using as current working directory. Equals constants.DIR_DEFAULT if this a root profile.


The parent profile. None if this a root profile.


A list of all subprofiles


The result of generate(). Contains name, parent, generated links and the result of all subprofiles.


Creates an entry in self.result["links"] with current options and a given target.

Furthermore lets you set the directory like cd().

  • target (str) -- Full path to target file
  • directory (str) -- A path to change the cwd
  • kwargs (dict) -- A set of options that will be overwritten just for this call

GenerationError -- One or more options were misused


Generates event scripts from attributes. Stores them as shell scripts if they changed.

GenerationError: One of the attributes isn't a
string nor a function that returned a string

Restores old Builtin mappings.


Maps functions from custom_builtins to builtins, so commands don't need to be called using self everytime.

__init__(options=None, directory=None, parent=None)


Uses constants.DEFAULTS as default for self.options if options is None.

Uses constants.DIR_DEFAULT as default for if directory is None.

__setattr__(name, value)

Setter for

Makes sure that is always expanded and noramlized.


A wrapper to raise a GenerationError with the profilename.


Creates a function that looks up options but prefers options of kwargs.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) -- kwargs of a command
Returns:function -- A function that looks up and returns the value for a key in kwargs. If the key is not in kwargs it uses self.options for look up.
afterInstall = None

This field can be implemented/set by the user. This has to be a string or a function that return a string. The string will be stored as shell script (only if it doesn't equal the last script stored) and will be executed after the profile gets installed for the first time.

afterUninstall = None

This field can be implemented/set by the user. This has to be a string or a function that return a string. The string will be stored as shell script (only if it doesn't equal the last script stored) and will be executed after the profile gets uninstalled.

afterUpdate = None

This field can be implemented/set by the user. This has to be a string or a function that return a string. The string will be stored as shell script (only if it doesn't equal the last script stored) and will be executed after the profile gets updated and only if the profile was already installed.

beforeInstall = None

This field can be implemented/set by the user. This has to be a string or a function that return a string. The string will be stored as shell script (only if it doesn't equal the last script stored) and will be executed before the profile gets installed for the first time.

beforeUninstall = None

This field can be implemented/set by the user. This has to be a string or a function that return a string. The string will be stored as shell script (only if it doesn't equal the last script stored) and will be executed before the profile gets uninstalled.

beforeUpdate = None

This field can be implemented/set by the user. This has to be a string or a function that return a string. The string will be stored as shell script (only if it doesn't equal the last script stored) and will be executed before the profile gets updated and only if the profile was already installed.


Sets Unix-like cd.


This function is a command. It can be called without the use of self within generate().

The directory can be an absolute or relative path and it expands environment variables.

Parameters:directory (str) -- The path to switch to

Creates an EncryptedFile instance from a target, updates and returns it.


This function is a command. It can be called without the use of self within generate().

The target can be either just the name of a file that will be searched for or it can be another dynamic file that already provides a generated file.

Parameters:target (str/DynamicFile) -- The target file that will be used as source of the EncryptedFile
Returns:EncryptedFile -- The dynamic file that holds the decrypted target

Resets self.options back to constants.DEFAULTS. If called without arguments, it resets all options and tags.


This function is a command. It can be called without the use of self within generate().

Parameters:*options (list) -- A list of options that will be reset

Link any file specified by its absolute path.


This function is a command. It can be called without the use of self within generate().

  • path (str) -- The path of the target
  • **kwargs (dict) -- A set of options that will be overwritten just for this call

Find a dotfile in TARGET_FILES. Depends on the current set tags.


This function is a command. It can be called without the use of self within generate().

This can be overwritten to change the searching behaviour of a profile. Furthermore it can be used by the user to just find a dotfile without linking it directly.

Parameters:target (str) -- A filename, without preceding tag
Raises:GenerationError -- More than one file was found
Returns:str -- The full path of the file or None if no file was found

Implemeted by users for actual link configuration.


Do NOT call this function without its wrapper generator().


This is the wrapper for generate(). It overwrites the builtins and maps it own commands to them. generate() must not be called without this wrapper.


Do NOT call this from within the same profile, only from outside!!

Returns:dict -- The result dictionary self.result

Returns true if a tag is set.


This function is a command. It can be called without the use of self within generate().

Parameters:tag (str) -- A tag that will be checked for
Returns:bool -- True, if tag is set

Link one ore more targets with current options.


This function is a command. It can be called without the use of self within generate().

  • *targets (list) -- One ore more targets that shall be linked. Targets can be just file names or any dynamic files.
  • **kwargs (dict) -- A set of options that will be overwritten just for this call

GenerationError -- One of the targets were not found

Calls link() for all targets matching a pattern.


This function is a command. It can be called without the use of self within generate().

Furthermore it allows to ommit the replace_pattern in favor of the target_pattern and to decrypt matched files first.

  • target_pattern (str) -- The regular expression that matches the file names
  • encrypted (bool) -- True, if the targets shall be decrypted
  • **kwargs (dict) -- A set of options that will be overwritten just for this call

GenerationError -- No files or multiple file with the same name were found with this pattern

merge(name, targets)

Creates a SplittedFile instance from a list of targets, updates and returns it.


This function is a command. It can be called without the use of self within generate().

The target can be either just the name of a file that will be searched for or it can be another dynamic file that already provides a generated file.

Parameters:targets (list) -- The list of targets that will be used as source of the SplittedFile
Returns:SplittedFile -- The dynamic file that holds the merged target

Sets options permanently. The set options will be used in all future calls of commands and subprofiles as long as the commands don't override them temporarily.


This function is a command. It can be called without the use of self within generate().

Parameters:**kwargs -- A set of options that will be set permanently
Raises:GenerationError -- One of to be set option does not exist
pipe(target, shell_command)

Creates a FilteredFile instance from a target, updates and returns it.


This function is a command. It can be called without the use of self within generate().

  • target (str/DynamicFile) -- The target file that will be used as source of the FilteredFile
  • shell_command (str) -- The shell command that the content of target will be piped into

FilteredFile -- The dynamic file that holds the output of the shell command

prepare_script = None

This field can be set by the user. This has to be a string and will be prepended to the event scripts of this profile or any of its subprofiles.


Removes a list of tags.


This function is a command. It can be called without the use of self within generate().

Parameters:tags (list) -- A list of tags that will be removed
subprof(*profilenames, **kwargs)

Executes a list of profiles by name.


This function is a command. It can be called without the use of self within generate().

  • *profilenames (list) -- A list of profilenames that will be executed
  • **kwargs (dict) -- A set of options that will be overwritten just for this call

GenerationError -- Profile were executed in a cycly or recursively


Adds a list of tags.


This function is a command. It can be called without the use of self within generate().

Parameters:tags (list) -- A list of tags that will be added

Adding this decorator to a function will make it available in generate() as a builtin.

Furthermore this adds some documentation to the function.

Parameters:func (function) -- The function that will become a command
profile.custom_builtins = ['find', 'decrypt', 'merge', 'pipe', 'link', 'extlink', 'links', 'cd', 'default', 'rmtags', 'tags', 'has_tag', 'opt', 'subprof']

A list of custom builtins that the profiles will map its functions to before executing generate().

Don't add functions here, just apply the @command decorator to functions that shall become a custom builtin.