
This module contains all the different DynamicFiles and their base class. DynamicFiles provide mechanisms to transform or manipulate dotfiles before actually linking them. The DynamicFile will generate a new file that will be linked instead and makes sure that user-made changes are preserved.

DynamicFile The abstract base class for any dynamic generated file.
EncryptedFile This implementation of a dynamic files allows to decrypt encrypted files.
FilteredFile This is implementation of a dynamic files allows to run a shell command on a dotfile before linking.
SplittedFile This is of a dynamic files allows to join multiple dotfiles together to one dotfile.
class dynamicfile.DynamicFile(name)

Bases: object

The abstract base class for any dynamic generated file. It provides the update functionality and some basic information.


Name of the file


A checksum of the contents of the file


A list of paths of files that are used as source to generate the dynmaic file


This constant needs to be implemented by subclasses. It tells the DynamicFile where to store the generated content of the file. It should be different for every type of DynamicFile, so the user can find them easier and can view different "stages" of the generation if the DynamicFile was nested.



Parameters:name (str) -- Name of the file

This abstract method is used to generate the contents of the DynamicFile from sources.

Returns:bytearray -- The raw generated content

Adds a source path and normalizes it.

Parameters:target (str) -- A path to a file that will be used as source

Gets the path of the directory that is used to store the generated file.

Returns:str -- The path to the directory

Gets the path of the generated file

Returns:str -- The full path to the generated file

Generates the newest version of the file and writes it if it is not in its subdir yet.

class dynamicfile.EncryptedFile(name)

Bases: dynamicfile.DynamicFile

This implementation of a dynamic files allows to decrypt encrypted files.

SUBDIR = 'decrypted'

Subdirectory used by EncryptedFile


Decrypts the first file in self.sources using gpg.

Returns:bytearray -- The content of the decrypted file
class dynamicfile.FilteredFile(name, shell_command)

Bases: dynamicfile.DynamicFile

This is implementation of a dynamic files allows to run a shell command on a dotfile before linking.

SUBDIR = 'piped'

Subdirectory used by FilteredFile

__init__(name, shell_command)


  • name (str) -- Name of the file
  • shell_command (str) -- A shell command that the file will be piped into

Pipes the content of the first file in self.sources into the specified shell comand.

Returns:bytearray -- The output of the shell command
class dynamicfile.SplittedFile(name)

Bases: dynamicfile.DynamicFile

This is of a dynamic files allows to join multiple dotfiles together to one dotfile.

SUBDIR = 'merged'

Subdirectory used by SplittedFile


Merges all files from :class:`~interpreters.self`.sources in order.

Returns:bytearray -- The content of all files merged together