
Provides constants, defaults and the ability to load configs or overwrite defaults for a specific configuration.

constants.ASKROOT = True

True, if uberdot shall ask for root permission if needed. If False, uberdot will fail if root permission is needed. Default is True.

constants.BACKUP_EXTENSION = 'bak'

The extension that will be used for backup files. Default is bak.

constants.BOLD = '\x1b[1m'

Bash color code for bold text.

constants.CFG_FILES = []

A list with all configuration files that will be used to set constants. All settings of all configuration files will be used. If a specific setting is set in more than one configuration file, the setting from the configuration file with higher index will be prefered.

constants.COLOR = True

True, if output should be colored. Default is True.

constants.CONFIG_SEARCH_PATHS = ['/etc/uberdot', '/home/travis/.config/uberdot', '/home/travis/build/schuerik/uberdot/data']

A list of paths that will be used to search for configuration files.

constants.C_DEBUG = '\x1b[90m'

Bash color code for debugging output (gray).

constants.C_FAIL = '\x1b[91m'

Bash color code for error output (red).

constants.C_HIGHLIGHT = '\x1b[34m'

Bash color code for highlighting normal output (blue).

constants.C_OK = '\x1b[92m'

Bash color code for successful output (green).

constants.C_WARNING = '\x1b[93m'

Bash color code for warning output (yellow).

constants.DATA_DIR = '/home/travis/build/schuerik/uberdot/data'

The directory that stores installed-files, dynamic files and some static files.

constants.DECRYPT_PWD = None

Contains the decryption password in plain text.

constants.DEFAULTS = {'extension': '', 'name': '', 'optional': False, 'owner': '', 'permission': 644, 'prefix': '', 'replace': '', 'replace_pattern': '', 'secure': True, 'suffix': ''}

Default values for command options.

constants.DIR_DEFAULT = '$HOME'

The default path that profiles start in.

constants.DUISTRATEGY = False

True, if --dui should be set as default. Default is False.

constants.ENDC = '\x1b[0m'

Bash color code to stop formatation of text.

constants.FORCE = False

True, if --force should be set as default. Default is False.

constants.HASH_SEPARATOR = '#'

The symbol that is used as separator for hashes in dynamic file names.

constants.INSTALLED_FILE = '/home/travis/build/schuerik/uberdot/data/installed/%s.json'

The path to the installed-file that will be used for comparison.

constants.INSTALLED_FILE_BACKUP = '/home/travis/build/schuerik/uberdot/data/installed/%s.json.bak'

The path to the file that will be used as backup of the installed-file.

constants.LOGFILE = ''

The file that will be used as logfile. Empty if no logfile will be used. Needs to be normalized before usage. Default is "".

constants.LOGGINGLEVEL = 'info'

The current logging level. Default is info.

constants.MAKEDIRS = False

True, if uberdot shall create directories if they don't exist. Default is False.

constants.NOBOLD = '\x1b[22m'

Bash color code to stop bold text.

constants.PROFILE_FILES = ''

The directory where the profile will be loaded from.

constants.SHELL = '/bin/bash'

The shell that is used to execute event callbacks.

constants.SHELL_ARGS = '-e -O expand_aliases'

The arguments that will be passed to the shell.

constants.SHELL_TIMEOUT = 60

Time in seconds that a shell command is allowed to run without printing something out.

constants.SKIPAFTER = False

True, if all operations shall be ignored by EventAfterInterpreters. Default is False.

constants.SKIPBEFORE = False

True, if all operations shall be ignored by EventBeforeInterpreters. Default is False.

constants.SKIPEVENTS = False

True, if all operations shall be ignored by EventInterpreters. Default is False.

constants.SKIPROOT = False

True, if all operations that requiere root permission shall be omitted. Default is False.

constants.SMART_CD = True

True, if event shell scripts shall automatically change the directory to the directory of the profile that triggered the event.

constants.SUPERFORCE = False

True, if uberdot shall overwrite files that are blacklisted. Default is False.

constants.TAG_SEPARATOR = '%'

The symbol that is used as separator for tags in dotfile names.

constants.TARGET_FILES = ''

The directory where the dotfiles are located.

constants.VERSION = '1.13.2_4'

Version numbers, seperated by underscore.

First part is the version of uberdot. The second part (after the underscore) is the version of the installed-file schema. The latter will be used to determine compability of the uberdot with the installed-file.

constants.loadconfig(config_file, installed_filename='default')

Loads constants from the config files.

This will load all configs from CFG_FILES or config_file if provided. The name of the installed-file will be used to load installed-file specific values.

  • config_file (str) -- Absolute path to the config file to use. If None, the configs from CFG_FILES will be loaded.
  • installed_filename (str) -- Name of the installed-file for that values will be loaded