
Configuration files allow you to override defaults for commandline arguments, defaults for command options and even set some settings that can't be set via commandline. The configuration file is an INI-file and can be created at the following locations:

  • /etc/uberdot/uberdot.ini for system-wide configuration
  • /home/username/.config/uberdot/uberdot.ini for only a specific user
  • uberdot-repository/uberdot.ini for portable installations

You can copy an example for the configuration file from docs/config-example.ini.


In this section are only settings which can't be set via commandline. Most of them have sane defaults, just make sure that profileFiles and targetFiles are set. Those are the only required settings. Example:

profileFiles    = /path/to/your/profiles/
targetFiles     = /path/to/your/dotfiles/

The following settings are available:

Name Values Description
askroot True, False (Default is True) Shall uberdot ask for root permission if required
backupExtension String (Default is "bak") The extension that is used to create backup files
color True, False (Default is True) Should the output be colorized
decryptPwd String Default password to decrypt encrypted dotfiles
hashSeparator String (Default is "#") The symbol that is used as separator for hashes in dynamic files
dataDir String (Default is None) A setting to use a special directory instead of the default data dir. Mainly useful for automated testing.
profileFiles Path (absolute or relatively to the installation) The directory that contains the profiles
shell Path/Process name (Default is "bash") The shell that is used to execute shell scripts from event callbacks
shellTimeout Integer (Default is 60) Time in seconds that a shell command is allowed to run without printing anything.
smartShellCWD True, False (Default is True) If true, event scripts will always start in the directory in which the profile started.
tagSeparator String (Default is "%") The symbol that is used as separator for tags in dotfile names
targetFiles Path (absolute or relatively to the installation) The directory that contains the dotfiles


The "Argument" section allows you to set defaults for commandline arguments.

Name Values Description
force True, False (Default is False) Equivalent to --force
dui True, False (Default is False) Equivalent to --dui
logginglevel info, verbose, quiet or silent (Default is info) Equivalent to --verbose, --quiet and --silent
logfile Path Equivalent to --log
makedirs True, False (Default is False) Equivalent to --makedirs
skiproot True, False (Default is False) Equivalent to --skiproot
superforce True, False (Default is False) Equivalent to --superforce


The "Default" section allows you to overwrite the default values of a profile. This includes defaults for command options, the directory and the tags.

Name Values Description
directory Absolute or relative path to the repository (Default is "$HOME") The directory a profile starts in
name String (Default is "") Sets default for the command option name
optional True, False (Default is False) Sets default for the command option optional
owner String (Default is "") Sets default for the command option owner
permission Integer (Default is 644) Sets default for the command option permission
prefix String (Default is "") Sets default for the command option prefix
replace String (Default is "") Sets default for the command option replace
replace_pattern String (Default is "") Sets default for the command option replace_pattern
tags Comma-seperated list (Default is "") Sets default tags

Defaults for installed-files

You can overwrite your own defaults when you use multiple installed file. For example if you create an installed file called "test" with --save test, you could set the default starting directory to your desktop like this:

directory = /home/username/Desktop

This overwrites the section "Defaults" for all calls of uberdot that have --save test set. You can do this for any section with the following naming schema: "Installed.<installed-file name>.<section name>"